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Welcome to Gulf Music Sales, home of the new Alacran accordions and SofiaMari accordions. All accordions come with a free case and straps. We also offer string instruments, band instruments and guitars. Free shipping on all online purchases over $500.00 and an Extended Manufacturers Warranty on all online orders.
Alacran Accordions       SofiaMari Accordions       SM Strings       Coronado Guitars       Cases & Accessories
Free shipping within the continental US on qualified orders. Excludes Alaska and Hawaii
SofiaMari Button Accordions
The SofiaMari SM-3112 Accordion Package includes a Newly Designed 31 Button 12 Bass Diatonic Accordion with a Multi-Colored Diamond Bellow Design, 2.5" wide Leather Straps with Harness and a new fitted Roll Away Trolly Case, with Telescoping Handle, designed for Maximum Protection.
31 Button 12 Bass

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SM3112 Accordion in Dark Blue Pearl

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SM3112 Accordion in Gray
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NSM 3412 New Model

34 Button 12 Bass

SofiaMari NSM3412 accordion packages include a 34 button 12 bass accordion featuring large pearl buttons, 19 fold bellows with diamond designs, bellow straps with snaps, bellow pads to protect bellows from wear.

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34 Button 12 Bass Two Tone

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Online Price: $1,249.00

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Online Price: $1,195.00
SofiaMari Piano Accordions
SofiaMari piano accordions feature large pearl buttons, 19 fold bellows with diamond designs, bellow straps with snaps, bellow pad to protect bellows from wear. The SM2208 comes with a handy back pack bag and straps and all other models come with A NEW deluxe hard shell roller case and black padded harness style straps.

22 key 8 bass

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26 Key 48 Bass

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32 Key 32 Bass

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34 Key 48 Bass

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34 Key 72 Bass

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